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Kids with Capes


From their day of birth to their premiere as a star athlete, chiropractic care is essential for growing bodies.

Image by Senjuti Kundu

Why Do Kids
Need Care?

To ensure they have a healthy nervous system


Birth Trauma

We are seeing a growing number of birth traumas, especially related to physical pressure used to aid in the process. From forceps to vacuums, medical induction and planned c-sections, birth interventions are common; however, they are not without concern. The newborn spine and cranium are at risk during this process, so we like to check them as soon as possible.


Healthy Growth

Your child needs whatever help he/she can have growing up healthy and strong. That's why we utilize chiropractic care and functional nutrition to come up with a specific natural healthcare plan.


Childhood Epidemic

Neurodivergence is the talk of the town now, and we are well equip to work with you from a natural perspective. Food triggers, primitive reflex integration, and environmental toxins play a large role in how your child reacts with ADHD, Autism, sensory processing issues, and emotional stability. We assess the external and interal triggers to help them adapt.


Reach Full Potential

You may have a star athlete, a brilliant chess player, a spelling bee champ, or a future diva. Whether their game is physical or mental, we can help them excel through neurological integration.





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